Get World-Renowned SUPERSTAR MASTER COACH DR. ERIN'S - Personal Session Planner

Download The PROVEN Step-by-Step Coaching Session Planner… To Deliver Transformation Every Time And Explode Your Referrals & Long Term Clients.

Retail Price: $197.00 | Save 86%

Just $27 Today

Do you have a calling to coach, but don't have a proven step-by-step plan for your clients sessions?

We have to talk about coaching... It's embarrassing. 

Because I see a lot of people saying they are coaches, but don't have clients (or only a few). And most of them don't have a framework that actually gets proven results for their clients. And it’s hurting your reputation and the success of your business.

Nothing worse than BAD COACHING.

People are experiencing disorganized coaching, non-embodied coaches, and woo-woo sessions, not based on a proven approach, and it's leading to:
❌ One off sessions instead of long term clients
❌ Constantly searching for clients instead of getting happy referrals.

Reputation and referrals are everything in the coaching world...

“Show Up As A Superstar ... A Powerful and Confident Coach

Time is running out...

The coaching world grows each year, but so does the competition. Literally, you have one chance to make a first impression and have a powerful first session. 

So, it is imperative that your coaching sessions create results instead of repelling clients away. 
The Myth is that...

Starting coaching is almost impossible because you are competing with super influencer coaches with massive following. 

The good news is...

I've developed a Coaching Session Planner that makes it simple and easy to deliver transformational results in every session.

And, the good news is that you don't need a massive following. I've created a BONUS to Create Your Coaching Niche, so you never have competition. 

“Show Up As A Superstar ... A Powerful and Confident Coach”

There are hacks to becoming a Superstar Coach. You can save years of time by learning the step-by-step proven framework. 

No prior experience needed. No college degree needed. Only the deep desire to help others.
This is for you if...

You experience 'imposter syndrome', questioning yourself and feeling doubt about your ability to get results.

You experience feeling 'not good enough' and wondering if your clients think you are a fraud.

Your sessions don't have structure, and, depending on your mood they change.

Your sessions turn into friendships instead of coach-to-client relationships.

You leave each coaching call wondering if your clients actually had a breakthrough or transformation.
  • Learn how to get radical results with a proven framework 
  • ​Learn how to have total confidence for your sessions
  • ​Learn how to get testimonials and referrals to get booked out
  • ​Learn how to show up in a powerful state of consciousness to hold space
Look, it wasn't always easy for me...

I had so many challenges, major life traumas and was always living paycheck to paycheck.

If I can do it, so can you.

Let me tell you my story of going from a hot mess to a world-renowned SUPERSTAR MASTER COACH.

My story is not pretty.

I started telling people I was a coach years ago, when I didn't have one client. 

I didn't have a coaching framework. 

I had a scarcity mindset and was too afraid to hire and pay for a coach. 

I was giving everyone advice, analyzing all my friends and family, when my life was still a roller-coaster.

Nobody wants advice, they want a proven plan for transformation.

My days were filled with scrolling through social media and opting into other coaches free funnels.

So, I was essentially collecting all this information so I could sound like I knew what I was talking about in front of clients. 

Nobody wants information, they want transformation.

I would sabotage myself from getting clients because I thought, “What would I do if I actually got a client?” 

I was so afraid to be found out! What if they saw that I wasn't really sure what I was doing?

I would attend free trainings all the time, but not actually invest in training that would get results or teach me how to get results for my clients. 

Until one day...

I realized that If I wanted high-paying clients, I needed to be willing to pay for a high-level coaching strategy. 

And, then I hired my first coach and everything changed!
It finally happened...

And, I delivered a powerful and confident coaching session that got radical results for my client.

I felt like a Supestar! 

And, guess what?! 

They referred a bunch of paying coaching clients to me. 

Yes, it finally happened... My dreams became reality!

And, I wasn't embarrassed any longer.

I felt powerful and confident...

“Wow! My clients were calling me a SUPERSTAR!”

It was crazy, my clients turned into raving fans. One session turned into hundreds of sessions. And, the framework began to build itself through testing, tweaking, and mastering. I never thought I would end up training 1000's of people around the world in the framework and building a multi-million dollar coach training school. 


All because I had a dream of helping people. 

So over the years I’ve continued to simplify the coaching session framework.

And you can't believe what happened next. It blew my mind because I never thought I would actually have success. I had low self-worth and believed, "I'm not enough." 

Next, this happened…

I wrote a BOOK.

I started a PODCAST.

I got a TV SHOW.

And, I got asked to SPEAK on Big Stages with names like Marrianne Willamson, Bruce Lipton, and Greg Bradden.

I got the Walden Wisdom AWARD next to Oprah Winfrey...

And Forbes nominated me as "11 Of The Most Inspirational Women Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram."

Even better, my clients started writing books, starting podcasts, and speaking on stages.

The thought of it makes me cry tears of joy. 

But you know what all this success has made me want more than anything...

To help more people make more of an impact.

All the money I've made has been great... but I'm so much more excited about the millions of dollars that my clients have made collectively over the years. 

Well, I do love that I am now considered the Superstar Coach of Hollywood! 😉
I'm not here to brag about myself, but to show you "If I can do it, so can you!" I used to be completely disorganized, zero-framework, no clients, low-confidence, and believed "I'm not enough."



What your coaching sessions can look like...
  • Onboarding Session: Client agreement, discovery worksheet, and inventory worksheet to create a strategic multiple session plan.
  • Coaching Sessions: Powerful worksheets to transform the areas of life that matter. 
  • Final Session: Recaping the breakthroughs, testimonial and referrals, and celebration.
No more guessing. I created a Coach Session Planner, a simple and powerful step-by-step framework for superstar coaching sessions. 

Yes, it's simple, clear, and flows.

So, here’s the deal. You could spend tens of thousands of dollars from big coaches online and have to fly to train with them. 

I've invested over $250k on my self-development. 

But, you don't have to. 

I know. We've all purchased courses and never finished them.  

It's easy to give up. But, it's actually harder because then you will never reach your dreams.

I have been there. I wanted to give up. But I didn't. 

I see you. I believe in you. You are not alone.

Remember, it comes with a BONUS on how to Create Your Coaching Niche so you stand out from the noise online.

A step-by-step guide that shows you exactly how to attract your ideal client.

Oh yeah, and you need support along the way. You get to be a part of my Extraordinary Community!

And, the coach session planner is simplified so you can understand it and implement it with ease.

And if you’re anything like me, each lesson is broken down in a worksheet so you can get organized and quickly have success.

The step-by-step Coach Session Planner is easy for you to follow along and start having amazing sessions. 

You can watch the videos or just go through the worksheets.

If you want to time compress and manifest your dreams fastest, this is for YOU!


I take you step-by-step through the Coach Session Planner 
to become a powerful and confident SUPERSTAR!

You have one opportunity to make a first impression. Become a Superstar!
Yes, I took course after course, without completing them.

Yes, I would collect more information without implementing any of it.

But guess what? One day, it just clicked and I started actually coaching.

I’m going to walk you through the step-by-step coach session planner so you can start right away.

We all see the huge coaches impacting millions.

You don't need millions of followers to be successful though.

I am going to teach you how to deliver a powerful transformative coaching session.

Honestly, I’ve seen people who don't have any following, get clear on their niche and ideal client and start getting booked out with coaching clients. 

Clients don't want care about followers... They care about results.

It’s about serving your ideal client. Making a true impact.

It’s about delivering powerful session that get testimonials and referrals. 

It's about transforming people's lives!

People Don't Want Information, They Want Transformation.


No one wants coaches that give advice. People want coaches who transform lives.

People need proof. They want to see testimonials.

You are too important to hold yourself back from success.

Start today, click the button below

  • It’s time to become an extraordinary coach. 
  • It’s time to make an impact in people's lives.
  • It’s time to use the coach session planner to automate your sessions.
  • ​It’s time that you stop waiting, getting more information, and not actually coaching.
  • It’s time to make your dreams a reality!

Because  l care about you...
I've included a HUGE bonuses

After touching millions of lives, I've learned that the Universe gives back 10X what you give. So, I want to give as much as I can to ensure your success in your coaching sessions. Enjoy these Huge bonuses when you join today!


Create Your Unique Coaching Niche Blueprint

Value $47

Stand out from the noisy coaching world.

You have a gift and message to bring to the world. 
Discover your soul's purpose and attract your vibrationally matched clients. 

Attract your ideal client.

It will walk you through my step-by-step 'Life's Purpose Formula' blueprint to help you create your Unique Niche to stand apart from everyone.

Become a Superstar!


Business of Coaching Blueprint

Value $47

“Dr. Erin, I want the Coach Session Planner, but I'm too afraid to spend money.”

I understand. I remember the shift in mindset for me to go from scarcity to claiming my birthright of prosperity.

This is why I'm giving you a BONUS of a six-step Business of Coaching blueprint for you to get started on discovering your soul's purpose, getting paying clients, and making an impact.  


Social Media Branding Blueprint

Value $47

Create a brand that stands out from the rest. 

Get my social media branding blueprint to strategically position yourself as an expert. 

This blueprint will walk you through step-by-step how to start organizing your messaging across all social media, emails, and marketing. 

It’s packed with questions and steps for you to have confidence as a coach.


Coaching Mastery Checklist

Value $47

“Dr. Erin, I want the Coach Session Planner, but I don't have clients to use it on.”

I understand. I remember the shift in mindset of knowing how to get clients to getting clients everywhere I went.

This is why I'm giving you a BONUS of Coaching Mastery Checklist for you to get started on discovering how to step into the mindset of a master coach and get clients everywhere you go.   

What's Included....

 7 Video Training on Coach Session Planner

Value $497

  1:1 Coaching Strategy Session

Value $297

 Coach Session Planner Worksheets

Value $197

 Bonuses: Create Your Coaching Niche Blueprint, Business of Coaching Blueprint, & Social Media Branding Blueprint.

Value $197

 Access to The Private Coaching Community 

Value $Priceless

Client Wins From My Other Programs...

I am committed to helping you become a Superstar!

You deserve to have a life you love. Everything will change when you give powerful and confident coaching sessions that deliver total transformation and radical results. 

Having structure and a powerful framework changed my coaching and made my dreams a reality.

It also changed the lives of my clients.

I finally monetized my gifts and message.

And it has allowed me to develop leaders, coaches, and inflencers.

If you have a dream of becoming a superstar coach, it starts with having a powerful coach session planner.

Stop collecting more information. Start coaching today.

Wanna have an impact, start coaching.

You only get one chance to make a first impression in a session. 

Your reputation counts on it!

Say YES to becoming the highest version of yourself.

Q & A's

Do I get Lifetime Access?

Yes, you can go at your own pace. You get lifetime access.
When does the course start?

The Coach Session Planner Course is a video course and a step-by-step planner. At your convience, you can schedule your 1:1 Strategy Session on the links within your members portal. Pick a time that works for you!
Do I need experience or a degree?

No experience needed and no degree needed. We have people who have never coached go through our programs and we have 7-figure coaches go through our programs. 
I don't know how to coach at all?

Perfect. This is a perfect course for you to build your confidence and learn exactly how to deliver transformation for your clients in a very simple way.
Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Yes, there is a 30-day money back guarantee on the Coach Session Planner with contingencies. Simply show that you gave the course 100%. See Terms.

You can reach my team anytime at


Check it out.

Monetizing your spiritual gifts
(and getting clear on what they are!)

is simpler than you’re letting yourself believe…

In fact, there is NOTHING “new” about making a living with healing, spiritual coaching, translating divine messages, selling spiritual goods, or any other spiritual gift…

(Ancient shamans, healers, and clairvoyants have been doing it for thousands of years!)

The only thing that’s changed is that with all the technology and social media we have at our disposal…

It’s never been easier to find people who are actively LOOKING for the spiritual gifts you can offer. 

What’s more? 

With the HUGE paradigm shift happening in our world right now, people WANT to heal, they WANT to transform their trauma, and they WANT to birth their passion and purpose more than ever before…

And they’re willing to massively invest in spiritual coaches and leaders (like you!) to help them do it. 

The problem is that 8 out of 10 coaches:
  • Have NO repeatable frameworks in their business
  • Have NO proven results
  • And NO idea how to identify and package up their ONE most powerful spiritual gift and monetize it consistently
Over the past year alone,

I’ve come across so many new and aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs who are spinning their wheels just 
trying to nail down these basics…

I’ve come across so many new and aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs who are spinning their wheels just trying to nail down these basics…

And as a result, they end up spending money on the wrong things, like a pricey photoshoot before they even have a social media strategy or paid ads before they have a proven offer...

Running themselves ragged trying to DM prospects (which is impossible to scale!)...

And finally giving up and going back to their “day job”, embarrassed that they even tried.

And of course, I don’t blame them! 

There’s so much “noise” in this space, it’s hard to know what to do first, who to believe, and if anything will really work.

That’s why I decided to take my 25 years of spiritual coaching and running online businesses and hand you what I know to be TRUE about building, launching, and scaling a profitable soul-led business…

And make it EASY, ACCESSIBLE, and AFFORDABLE to learn. 

My goal for you is to learn the most important pillars of a profitable soul-led business in the shortest amount of time…

 Which is why I’ve broken down my entire step-by-step process into a simple 5-Day Challenge you can complete even if you have NO idea where to start right now. 

In just 5 days, I’ll teach you how to monetize your spiritual gifts…

Using the same proven and trusted methodology that’s made millions for six, seven, and eight figure top coaches, soul-based business owners, and entrepreneurs in this space. 

Until now, this methodology was only available through my exclusive Soulciété Programs, which at this moment costs $1k-$100k to enroll on an application basis only.

But when you join the 5-Day Challenge to Monetize Your Spiritual Gifts, you’ll get it for FREE. 

In other words, I’m pulling back the curtain on my step-by-step methodology that I personally have used to build my 7-fig online spiritual coaching business… 

AND you’ll have unlimited access to the material in the challenge and our private Facebook group. 

The value of this challenge is PRICELESS, although I could charge as much as my Soulciete programs considering it’s based on the same exact principles I teach there. 

In fact, it’s hard to even discount this material because it’s near and dear to my heart and soul and has birthed so many amazing, profitable soul-led businesses… 

But I’m on a mission to awaken a BILLION people on this planet (yes, BILLION with a “B!”) and I want these tools in the hands of as many people as feel called to use them.

Even better, I want to make it easy for you and teach you how to have the foundation of your business built by this time next week instead of months or even years from now! 

All you need to do is say YES to your purpose, show up for 5 days, and invest your TIME into your dream right now. Are you ready? 
© 2024 New Thought Global and Soulciete, Inc.
© 2024 New Thought Global and Soulciete, Inc.