Using the same proven and trusted methodology that’s made
millions for six, seven, and eight figure top coaches, soul-based business owners, and entrepreneurs in this space.
Until now, this methodology was only available through my exclusive Soulciété Programs, which at this moment costs $1k-$100k to enroll on an application basis only.
But when you join the 5-Day Challenge to Monetize Your Spiritual Gifts, you’ll get it for FREE.
In other words, I’m pulling back the curtain on my step-by-step methodology that I personally have used to build my 7-fig online spiritual coaching business…
AND you’ll have unlimited access to the material in the challenge and our private Facebook group.
The value of this challenge is PRICELESS, although I could charge as much as my Soulciete programs considering it’s based on the same exact principles I teach there.
In fact, it’s hard to even discount this material because it’s near and dear to my heart and soul and has birthed so many amazing, profitable soul-led businesses…
But I’m on a mission to awaken a BILLION people on this planet (yes, BILLION with a “B!”) and I want these tools in the hands of as many people as feel called to use them.
Even better, I want to make it easy for you and teach you how to have the foundation of your business built by this time next week instead of months or even years from now!
All you need to do is say YES to your purpose, show up for 5 days, and invest your TIME into your dream right now. Are you ready?