Get World-Renowned SUPERSTAR MASTER COACH Dr. Erin's Personal Session Planner


Download The PROVEN Step-by-Step Coaching Session Planner For Spiritual Coaches… To Deliver Transformation Every Time And Explode Your Referrals & Long Term Clients.

Retail Price: $197.00 | Save 86%

Just $27 Today

The biggest barrier to most coaches becoming successful is NOT fancy sales and marketing tactics...

It's feeling confident they can get results for their clients!

When you don't feel confident your coaching session will get results, it leads to:
  • Feeling anxious and stressed (dry mouth and butterflies, anyone!) before the session even starts
  • Being worried that you will get found out and your client thinks you're a fraud (and tell others about it)
  • Trying to use lots of information to sound like you know what you're talking about, when your client really just wants transformation
  • ​Feeling small and intimidated and like you have to impress your client instead of just getting them the result they want
If you feel like this, don't worry...

You're not alone.
The problem is when you feel this way it leads to one-off sessions instead of long-term clients...

Plus, it means you're constantly trying to figure out how to get the next client - instead of having a referral-based business...

...and trust me, signing up a referral is like ordering from a menu compared to the stress of 'selling' a client!
See, your reputation is everything when it comes to getting referrals.

And your reputation is built on delivering powerful sessions that actually get results.

I'm talking about results and transformation that other people can SEE.

When you do this, clients will pay thousands of dollars to work with you...

And they become walking advertisements for you!

So, let me ask you:

If you had a new client in front of you today...

Would you know exactly what to say to show that client they need to invest in you?

If not, then you are leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table each year...

And you will forever be stuck spending more time marketing than actually coaching.

This is why I created...

Coach Session Planner

The PROVEN Step-by-Step Coaching Session Planner For Spiritual Coaches… To Deliver Transformation Every Time And Explode Your Referrals & Long-Term Clients.

The Coaching Session Planner is an in depth process you can quickly implement into your business to confidently deliver a transformative coaching session every time... without taking you out of your zone of genius and regardless of your experience.

If you're here, then I know that you are committed to making a difference in peoples lives.

Because of this, you will likely figure out over time how to run a great coaching session that gets results and leads to referrals... 

But, it's likely going to take you months, maybe even years to nail it.

To feel so confident that you can just show up and easily share your genius using a proven system and watch your business grow.

It was definitely like that for me...
I was a hot mess when I started coaching!

Before I won the Walden Wisdom Award next to Oprah and had an A-list clientele... my sessions sucked!

I had no framework.

My days were filled with scrolling social and opting in for other coaches free funnels to try figure things out.

I was too afraid to pay a coach myself.
I even called myself a coach, but I barely had any clients!

I had so much anxiety and frustration, and I began to doubt if it was worth continuing.

It went like this for many months... but then I turned it all around when I realized this ONE thing:

I realized (accepted) that I was so afraid to sign up clients and was sabotaging my success.

My subconscious would not let me be a successful and well paid coach - because deep down I did not feel deserving yet.

Of course I told myself excuses like "people just don't get what I do".

But really, I was just afraid.

Afraid of being found out.

The fear was so strong.

Then one day I finally got out of my own way and hired a successful coach myself.

I learned how to deliver a transformational client session that just flowed.

I discovered that my spiritual gifts for helping people were real, I just needed a framework to deliver them.

Suddenly, my confidence skyrocketed.

I understood how to give a great session using my unique gifts.

...and I no longer sabotaged myself because I knew deep down I could deliver to my clients every time.

I felt in control of my success now!

I felt like a superstar...

And I was shocked at what happened next:

I began to get people contacting me for coaching.

Referrals were coming to me... and they were excited to work with me, since my clients had already sold them on me.

That one session turned into hundreds of new sessions... and that's not all.
Next, I wrote a book.

I started a podcast.

I got a TV show.

Then I got asked to speak on big stages with names like Marianne Willamson, Bruce Lipton, and Gregg Bradden.

Forbes even nominated me as one of the "11 of the Most Inspirational Women Entrepreneurs to Watch on Instagram."

I always felt inside I was meant to be successful, and now it had happened.

The thing I'm most proud of though, is that my clients started to write books, launch podcasts and speak on stages too.

See with success comes the chance for massive impact, and I know you are in this to create massive change.

How massive?


Using My Planner You'll Be Able To...

  • Get consistent results with a time-tested proven approach.

    In my 15 years of coaching I've worked with Hollywood celebs, CEOs and people from all walks of life so you know this will work with any client.

  • Leave your clients feeling confident in your abilities after each session.

    Once you implement the planner you will start showing up in a way that leaves your clients feeling like you're a pro they can trust.

  • Reduce your preparation time because you know exactly what to do - every time!

    Enjoy the freedom that you can show up to any client and know what to do - even at a moment's notice - because you have the right formula.

  • ​Share your personal genius in a structured way.

    I know you are not just a 'run-of-the-mill' coach! You have supernatural, intuitive and spiritual talents that go beyond regular coaching - you just need a proven way to deliver them!

What Other Spiritual Coaches Say...


Dr. Erin's E4 Trauma Method® is incredible! Doing my inner work allowed me to gain clarity, confidence, and become crystal clear about my purpose. I've 10X my spiritual coaching business since I joined."

- Aimee, Spiritual Psychology Graduate


Erin Fall Haskell is nothing short of a miracle worker. We connected the very first time we met and knew we would work together. My experience with Erin unlocked many answers for me in my life purpose, my relationship with myself and my business.

If you get the opportunity to work with this’s Divine timing and meant for you!

- Andrea, Spiritual Psychology Graduate


I realize I was missing ONE thing in my business and it was incorporating subconscious spirituality... More than the income, I am making a real impact. I am incorporating spirituality as the foundation in my business and it has tremendously helped my own clients get amazing results. Erin was my missing link to scale.

- Elaine, Spiritual Psychology Graduate

So What Do You Get?

  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately
  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products
  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings

Client Wins From My Other Programs

Enroll Today and Get These Business Building Courses - My Gifts for Taking Action on Your Dreams!

After touching millions of lives, I've learned that the Universe gives back 10X what you give. So, I want to give as much as I can to ensure your success in your coaching sessions. Enjoy these Huge bonuses when you join today!


Create Your Unique Coaching Niche Blueprint

Value $47

There is great money to be made from coaching, but it is so competitive.

You need a strategy to stand out so that you're not competing on price - or you will attract bargain basement clients.

You have a unique gift and message to bring to the world. No one else can do what you do. When you learn to leverage your gifts, you create a niche of one.

This training will help you discover your soul's purpose so you can attract vibrationally matched clients. 

Your ideal clients - the ones that love you and are ready to pay you.

It will walk you through my step-by-step Life's Purpose Formula blueprint to help you create your Unique Niche to stand apart from everyone.

Become a Superstar!


Social Media Branding Blueprint

Value $47

Let me tell you what branding is NOT:

Posting on socials.

Branding is the action you take to demonstrate that you are the authority in your marketplace.

My social media branding blueprint will let you strategically position yourself as an expert that can be trusted. 

This blueprint will walk you through step-by-step how to start organizing your messaging across all social media, emails, and marketing. 

This blueprint alone is worth 10X the cost of the session planner and is one of my special gifts for you today.


Business of Coaching Blueprint

Value $47

“Dr. Erin, I want the Coach Session Planner, but I can't afford to waste money.”

I understand. I remember the shift in mindset for me to go from scarcity to claiming my birthright of prosperity.

This is why I'm giving you a BONUS six-step Business of Coaching Blueprint for you to get started on turning your soul's purpose into a paying client getting machine... So you can make the money and impact you know you were meant for.

The tactics in this blueprint have previously sold for hundreds of dollars, but is my gift to you with your purchase today!

What's Included....

 7 Video Training on Coach Session Planner

Value $497

  Coaching Strategy Session Call

Value $297

 Coach Session Planner Worksheets

Value $197

 Bonuses: Create Your Coaching Niche Blueprint, Social Media Branding Blueprint, & Business of Coaching Blueprint.

Value $197

 Access to The Private Coaching Community 

Value $Priceless

Don't Make The Same Mistakes I Did

For a long time I told myself that I just needed to learn more for my business to grow.

That it was just a matter of practicing and learning to sell better.

I told myself this for months and months!

Truth was, I really didn't know what was I missing...

...And it wasn't in any of the free courses I opted in for online.

If you are finding that things haven't improved for you in a while -

If your income is the same.

If you aren't getting referrals.

If you aren't attracting the right clients...

Then it's time for a change.

Q & A's

Is there a licensing fee?

No! Just a one-time purchase for $27 and you can use the Coaching Session Planner forever!
Is this going to limit my intuitive / spiritual gifts?

Heck no! I always knew I had gifts beyond just 'mindset' coaching and I designed this so that you can fully express your own gifts during your sessions
Do I need experience or a degree?

No experience needed and no degree needed. We have people who have never coached go through our programs and we have 7-figure coaches go through our programs. 
I don't know how to coach at all?

Then this is exactly what you need. This session planner will save you months if not years of trial and error (lots of error!) and have you delivering powerful coaching sessions fast.
Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Absolutely. If you don’t get amazing results from taking the course, you can ask for a refund within the first 30 days. Simply show that you gave the course 100%.

You can reach my team anytime at


Check it out.

Monetizing your spiritual gifts
(and getting clear on what they are!)

is simpler than you’re letting yourself believe…

In fact, there is NOTHING “new” about making a living with healing, spiritual coaching, translating divine messages, selling spiritual goods, or any other spiritual gift…

(Ancient shamans, healers, and clairvoyants have been doing it for thousands of years!)

The only thing that’s changed is that with all the technology and social media we have at our disposal…

It’s never been easier to find people who are actively LOOKING for the spiritual gifts you can offer. 

What’s more? 

With the HUGE paradigm shift happening in our world right now, people WANT to heal, they WANT to transform their trauma, and they WANT to birth their passion and purpose more than ever before…

And they’re willing to massively invest in spiritual coaches and leaders (like you!) to help them do it. 

The problem is that 8 out of 10 coaches:
  • Have NO repeatable frameworks in their business
  • Have NO proven results
  • And NO idea how to identify and package up their ONE most powerful spiritual gift and monetize it consistently
Over the past year alone,

I’ve come across so many new and aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs who are spinning their wheels just 
trying to nail down these basics…

I’ve come across so many new and aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs who are spinning their wheels just trying to nail down these basics…

And as a result, they end up spending money on the wrong things, like a pricey photoshoot before they even have a social media strategy or paid ads before they have a proven offer...

Running themselves ragged trying to DM prospects (which is impossible to scale!)...

And finally giving up and going back to their “day job”, embarrassed that they even tried.

And of course, I don’t blame them! 

There’s so much “noise” in this space, it’s hard to know what to do first, who to believe, and if anything will really work.

That’s why I decided to take my 25 years of spiritual coaching and running online businesses and hand you what I know to be TRUE about building, launching, and scaling a profitable soul-led business…

And make it EASY, ACCESSIBLE, and AFFORDABLE to learn. 

My goal for you is to learn the most important pillars of a profitable soul-led business in the shortest amount of time…

 Which is why I’ve broken down my entire step-by-step process into a simple 5-Day Challenge you can complete even if you have NO idea where to start right now. 

In just 5 days, I’ll teach you how to monetize your spiritual gifts…

Using the same proven and trusted methodology that’s made millions for six, seven, and eight figure top coaches, soul-based business owners, and entrepreneurs in this space. 

Until now, this methodology was only available through my exclusive Soulciété Programs, which at this moment costs $1k-$100k to enroll on an application basis only.

But when you join the 5-Day Challenge to Monetize Your Spiritual Gifts, you’ll get it for FREE. 

In other words, I’m pulling back the curtain on my step-by-step methodology that I personally have used to build my 7-fig online spiritual coaching business… 

AND you’ll have unlimited access to the material in the challenge and our private Facebook group. 

The value of this challenge is PRICELESS, although I could charge as much as my Soulciete programs considering it’s based on the same exact principles I teach there. 

In fact, it’s hard to even discount this material because it’s near and dear to my heart and soul and has birthed so many amazing, profitable soul-led businesses… 

But I’m on a mission to awaken a BILLION people on this planet (yes, BILLION with a “B!”) and I want these tools in the hands of as many people as feel called to use them.

Even better, I want to make it easy for you and teach you how to have the foundation of your business built by this time next week instead of months or even years from now! 

All you need to do is say YES to your purpose, show up for 5 days, and invest your TIME into your dream right now. Are you ready? 
© 2024 New Thought Global and Soulciete, Inc.
© 2024 New Thought Global and Soulciete, Inc.